Friday, February 6, 2009

4 Weeks in and Finally blogging...

As of today, Feb 6th, I am officially done with the first 3 weeks of "pre-training" and almost done with my first full week of real training- minus the 5 miles I have to figure out how to get in during the rain.

I was trying to journal about all this and why I made the decision to sign up for the LA Marathon on 5/25 and now the Pasadena Half-Marathon on 3/22, but I guess my hands cramp up a lot more than they used to- when I would sit for hours in a coffee shop and wax poetically about the people hanging out or walking by.

Here's how it started...

About a month ago, just after returning to the office from the X-mas Holiday, my co-worker, Hirono, asked me if I might be interested in doing the LA Marathon with her. I knew she had done the Portland Marathon in 2008 and there was part of me that thought- if she could do it, so could I. But back then I though- I could just show up on the day of the Marathon and DO IT. I had no idea the type of training involved. I had a chance to see my friend Karen train for the NYC Marathon (which requires you to qualify for the race, etc- WAY hard-core) and last year and began to understand the level of commitment required to do something like that. And yet... there was part of me that wasn't daunted by the possibility.

After Hirono said that she had signed up and wouldn't it be fun to do it together, etc- I started seriously thinking about it. I have been wanting to get in better shape and loose some weight (well- when haven't I wanted to do that... lol) and I know that the way my body works- I have to exercise to get that to happen. There has only been one time in my life when I have lost weight from watching my diet alone and my foot was in a cast at the time. But that's another story...
There was a part of me that felt like it was impossible. I am NOT a runner. I never have been. If someone isnt chasing you, why would you possibly want to run?

But there was a bigger part of me that kept saying, WHY NOT. Why not try? Why are you always telling yourself- NO. How many times have you let that voice decide for you?
The clincher was hearing someone speak later in the week at a meeting. The gist of her whole story was- "Now I am doing all the things I never tried, because I never thought I could." It got me to start questioning myself and ask "What would you attempt if you knew you could never fail?"

So I went to the running store that weekend with my husband (whose initial reaction to my saying I wanted to do a marathon was- "Really? But you don't run. I have never seen you run. Why would you want to do it?" and later- as the weeks have progressed has been my biggest supporter. My mom had a similar reaction- but it had more to do with our genetics and crappy joints- more about swollen knees later) and got fitted for shoes. Now, I had the business card for this store for over 2 years. Given to me by my chiropractor, but never went. I kept telling myself I would do more/ better exercise if I just got shoes and never did. I knew this was a big first step (all puns intended).

The next thing I did was hop on eBay. Hirono had already shown me her Nike+ sensor and her Nike Mini-Me avatar. It was really cool to know that she could track her mileage, time, calories and pace on this thing and then have a cartoon encourage her to do more. I decided to find one and get one on eBay. I also got an iPod, and Armband, a book called the Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide (awesome book!!) and MORE... Call it retail therapy for making a big decision.

Then on Sunday 1/11- I went to the LA Marathon site... and signed up.
It was a huge moment. Filled with trepidation. Could I actually do this thing? Would I make it to May? Was I going to fall on my face, or dislocate my knee or break my foot again? Would I loose weight or gain it or be able to make it?

So far, I have not lost any weight. I have played with a pound- back and forth for the last three weeks, but it hasn't left yet. I walked and tried jogging every day for at least 30 mins for the first 2 weeks, then moved up to 45mins everyday the last week of pre-training. This week I walked/ jogged (it ends up being like 4-7 mins walking then 1-3 mins jogging in a 10 min span) for 3 miles on Mon., 4 miles on Tues, 3 miles on Wed. and walked to lunch with Hirono on Thurs- 1 mile there and 1 mile back (with a nice sushi reward in between). Today is Friday, my rest day. I am glad its a rest day, because it is POURING rain. Well at least as much as LA can pour rain. But its really coming down, roads are flooded and its not a good looking scene for outdoor activities- unless you have a canoe. My long run for the week is supposed to be tomorrow- 5 miles. We'll see how I do with the weather tomorrow- but I am hoping for a 1-2hr window where I can try to get this done.

My goal is not to get some great time. To cross the finish line with other people. I am learning that running (remember- when I say running- you say "walk/jog") is a very solitary sport. SO my goal- is just to FINISH the marathon. I don't care if it takes me 7-8 hours (now that IS optimistic) or 9-10 hrs (that is realistic) or 12 hours (maybe if I get hurt). I just want to finish.

So far its going well! I am motivated and doing my best to stay with the training plan. I LOVE my Nike + on my iPod. One long walk, I went 4.10 miles and at the end of it, the iPod voice gave me a summary of my run and then I hear "This is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations on your longest workout yet! Keep it up!". HOW COOL WAS THAT? Totally motivating. They definitely have my number.

The down side at first was my feet. Breaking in my shoes took about a week of pain on all parts of my feet. I guess I figured I would get good shoes and have no pain- it would be like walking on clouds and stuff. Nope- to take feet that have falling arches and past breaks and arthritic toes and put them in good shoes, doesn't stop the fact that the feet are jacked. Then once I got my shoes broken in more, the feet have been OK- with some small arch issues every now and then that I try to stretch out.

The bigger issue is my knees. My left knee has not stopped being swollen since I started. It has been different levels of swelling, but it has not gone down to the size of the other. I have grown accustom to icing my knee everyday after workouts and at home at night. I take Advil almost every day now and its becoming manageable. I also started taking glucosamine pills and have now moved on to the "joint juice". So far so good.

Stretching has been tough, but I am doing it. With my knee, I haven't been able to kneel on the ground and stretch out my quads the way I used to- it hurts to much to out my weight down like that. But I am trying to rest my foot on something behind me and bend like that to stretch out the front of my quads. It does the job for the most part. I cant wait to re-incorporate my Yoga class into this as X-training on Thursdays.

I'm doing my best to stay on point- even on business trips. I was in Las Vegas last Wed- Fri and convinced a co-worker of mine to go for a walk jog from our hotel (RIO) to the strip, down and back at 8am. It ended up being 3.87 miles and it made the rest of the day so much better.

So who knows where this journey will take me (aside from 6th and Figueroa on 5/25). I hear only 3% of the world's population ever finish a marathon. I have a half and a full one set for 2009. I am sure once I finish that, that the little critical voice in my head, will have some competition from the self assured, confident one I am building now.

This is just the beginning...

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