Granted, where I am staying in Omaha (Old Market, downtown) is not too far from Council Bluffs, Iowa- but just the idea that I could walk across state lines, across the Missouri river is a pretty cool prospect! And who'd've guessed that the weather would be so gorgeous today! at least 72-75 in the sun.
Last time I wrote I was finally feeling better after being for almost a week. By that Thursday I was feeling 100% whole again- had my voice back, not coughing, not wheezy or stuffy. It was great! Then on Friday I picked up lunch from a place called Taco John's- which is similar to a Taco Bell out here in the Mid-West. (Note to self- do not trust any restaurant named after a Mexican Bathroom!)

Needless to say- while it tasted great going down- it did not taste gre

I started out by w

I went across it to Iowa and started heading toward the most recognizable landmark, the HARRAH's casino. Once I made it there I decided to turn back and go back across the bridge. By then I got a text from Jen that they had picked up Katie (a new student from OR) and had returned my rental car to the hotel lot. They were sitting down for lunch- so I asked if I could join them.
I went through the Heartland of America Park near the ConAgra HQ and back out into Old Market. By the time I walked up to the restaurant I was only at 10.85 miles, so I had to walk around the block a couple times to make sure I hit 11miles. I wasn't too exhausted to do it- and I really really wanted to get to that 11mile mark and he

I walked into the restaurant, that said proper attire required- hoping that meant shoes and shirts- not NO SWEATY PEOPLE IN WORKOUT GEAR, and went straight to the bathroom to try to wash up a little. My hands were swollen and I had to pee- but other than that- I was feeling pretty great for having walked 11 miles in one shot! Today I did 11.01 miles in 3 hours- not too shabby!
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