Sunday, March 1, 2009

I think I will have a 10K for dinner, please...

Hirono and I arrived for the sales conference about 15 mins late, due to some undesirable traffic in Palm Springs. Well- it was undesirable because I took a wrong turn off the freeway when I should have stayed on the 10FWY instead of getting off towards Palm Springs... but that's besides the point... The point is, that from the moment we arrived at 11:15am- we were involved in prep exercises, lunch and then sessions started at 1pm! We had a full day of sessions and the plan we had of doing a run that day- in the daylight was almost lost...

Thank goodness Hirono was up to gearing up and going for a run before dinner. She was originally thinking that we could quickly kick out 3 miles (even though my goal was to go 8) and then make it to our team meeting for cocktails. But we both got so inspired by each other and motivated by each other that we ended up running (and I can honestly say running here- because I ran more than I ever have with her alongside me) for 1.35hrs! We ended up going 6.44 miles and wrapped our way around the Renaissance Esmeralda hotel about 6 times. We were taking part of the golf cart trail and watched them set up for dinner on the back lawn, smelled dinner and when we saw people lining up for dinner- we both decided we were too hungry to go the full 8 miles.

What was so great about this run, is that it was a little before twilight when we started, we saw the sunset, and the stars arise. We heard the band warming up for their dinner performance (like a Surf Punk band without vocals- think Dick Dale's song on the Pulp Fiction Soundtrack) and found our groove together. There were times she was running ahead of me and times I was running ahead of her (which I never thought I would do). It felt like we were there for ourselves- but we were definitely in it together. I knew we were both safe- even as it got really dark.

One thing I discovered on this run is that my shin splints always hurt like a bitch when I start- but they actually WARM UP! By the 2nd or 3rd mile, they stop hurting and I can stop and stretch them out. I used to think that pain would never subside and I would have to just live with it- but I can actually run through it. Then other pains arise- but at least I am recognizing them and none of them seem like emergencies.

I am hoping to get another run in before we drive home on Wed 3/4/09. I found out recently that I will be flying to Omaha for a month on Wed 3/4/09- in the afternoon- so it will be good to get some runs in before I head out. If my experience in Manila was any indication of how it is to open up a new office, then I doubt I will get much work-out time while I am there. And from what I hear about Omaha weather- I doubt any of it will be out doors.

But for tonight, I got in a 10K before dinner and then feasted guilt-free on the fine buffet they had for us, with roast beef, garlic mash, shrimp, pasta and all the fixings. Oh and salad.

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