I had a wonderful dinner at Paley's Place in NW Portland tonight with two former colleagues and great friends. Our reservations were at 6:30p and I didn't get back to the hotel (totally stuffed on amazing food- crab, oysters, Kobe beef, creme brule!) till after 10pm and then I had to try to digest before I could even walk!
I put on my running gear at about 11pm and jogged outside to the "gym" (remember- a treadmill, exercise bike and stair master). It was about 30 degrees outside, which is great motivation to jog to the gym. Once I got inside, I stretched a little and hopped on the treadmill. Then I called my husband to say goodnight and was fortunate enough to talk to him for about 15 mins of my 3.5 mile an hour walk (which has my pace at about 17:20min/ mile).
I tell ya- there is nothing quite so boring as spending more than an hour on a treadmill- especially when you are full. So I just kept it to walking tonight. I was glad when the first mile was absorbed in a phone call. Even more pleased when I turned the treadmill TV on to OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) and got to see half of the "HistoryMakers" with Eartha Kitt. Her last recorded interview. That was an enjoyable 35 mins (2 more miles).
Then it was midnight. Suddenly all the ads changed from Diapers and groceries to ads for "phone hook-ups", "love lines", "chat with hott girls" and other sorts of lonely TV that it made me wonder who else was up and what they were doing. Certainly not all on treadmills, I hope!
Regardless, it was less than 30 mins more to finish my 4.19 miles tonight. And so ends another late night of marathon training on the road. I can't wait to see how I will squeeze my 3 miles in tomorrow, between checking out of the hotel (goodbye little "gym"), going to work, and driving to the airport to fly to OAK on an 8:40p plane? Oh well, I am sure it will all be made clear when I need to know. I am definitely gaining some more faith in the fact that whatever is supposed to happen... will. As it regards to my training. As it regards to my life. God Bless us all!
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