One thing I have learned so far is trying to do more than 4 miles on the treadmill gets incredibly boring. Even when I alternate jogging with power walking, 4 miles still takes me 1+ hour. This week seemed so tough to squeeze any time in to go out for a walk or to even get a walk in at lunch time. I decided to sacrifice some of my date night and go to the gym after work.
My training had 3/5/3 on the schedule for the week's short runs. Then this weekend I need to try to attempt 8- even though I will be in Palm Desert for the Y! Sales Conference, I am still optimistic that I can squeeze it in. I am driving out there with my running partner, Hirono and she and I talked about carving out some time on Sunday to do it outside and enjoy the oasis they have us staying at. We haven't seen the agenda yet- but are sure they can't have us booked for every second. I expect the 8 miler will probably take me a good 2.5 hours or so. We'll see.
For tonight, I am just trying to get 5 done. So I go to the gym, get suited up in my running capris, strap 'em down bra, wrap-em-up knee braces (I love my new velcro brace with boning. Its been great for my left knee!) and my purple 'do-rag. (always bleeding purple!) I lace up my Brooks and get out to the treadmill.
The gym at my work has 4- 40" flat panel TVs up in front of a row of ellipticals, treadmills and bikes. The first one was tuned to TBS and I was quickly drawn to the movie playing- Taledega Nights. I turned on my iPod to record my distance but plugged my headphones into the TV. I started jogging at the commercial breaks- went for 4 mins on the longest one- and then speed walked during the film. Dammit- if that time didn't fly by! That movie is great for working out to! "Dear tiny infant baby Jesus..."
Needless to say, I was there for 1.22 hours and finished 5.07 miles. While my knees almost buckled on the stairs leaving, I felt really good for getting that in. Now its off to enjoy one day of weekend and on to the sales conference on Sunday! Hirono and I have to leave at like 8am to get there on time... ROAD TRIP!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sushi never tastes so good as when you earn it...
This is week four of my official training for the marathon. That means my schedule is to do 3/5/3 miles during the week and 8 miles for my long run. It has been a constant challenge to figure out when I can work my runs into the week, when I work 8-10hrs 5 days a week, go to meetings 5-6x a week, rehearse 3x a week and tutor once a week. Its exhausting just writing all my commitments!
So when I looked at my calendar today and saw there was not a lot of time between meetings, I looked up at Hirono and asked her if she would like walk to sushi? The closest sushi place to our office is California Roll & Sushi in the Empire Center- near the Burbank Airport. It is a little under 1.5 miles away from our office and so walking there and back makes for close to 3 miles.
At about 11:30am I pinged Hirono and asked her if she wanted to go. She was game, so I pulled on my running shoes, grabbed my shades and my money, and we ventured out. We walked at a medium pace (18.43 minute mile) and made it down the street past the construction, in and out of the shade.
We got to the sushi place and sat down and had lunch, the walked back. I tell ya, having a bento box and spicy tuna hand roll with no rice never tastes as good as it does with a little bit of perspiration on your upper lip from walking to the restaurant. I feel like I earn it! like its ok for me to spend $12 on lunch :)
I love doing these walks with Hirono. We have gotten so much closer over the last couple months and I know so much of it has to do with the training. That is a definite WIN for this Marathon stuff!
So when I looked at my calendar today and saw there was not a lot of time between meetings, I looked up at Hirono and asked her if she would like walk to sushi? The closest sushi place to our office is California Roll & Sushi in the Empire Center- near the Burbank Airport. It is a little under 1.5 miles away from our office and so walking there and back makes for close to 3 miles.
At about 11:30am I pinged Hirono and asked her if she wanted to go. She was game, so I pulled on my running shoes, grabbed my shades and my money, and we ventured out. We walked at a medium pace (18.43 minute mile) and made it down the street past the construction, in and out of the shade.
We got to the sushi place and sat down and had lunch, the walked back. I tell ya, having a bento box and spicy tuna hand roll with no rice never tastes as good as it does with a little bit of perspiration on your upper lip from walking to the restaurant. I feel like I earn it! like its ok for me to spend $12 on lunch :)
I love doing these walks with Hirono. We have gotten so much closer over the last couple months and I know so much of it has to do with the training. That is a definite WIN for this Marathon stuff!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I tried to do 7 and ended up with 10!

When I woke up at my parent's house this morning I knew I needed to get my 7 miles in before the rest of the family showed up at 2pm. The night before I told myself if I left between 9-10am, I could be done in 2 or so hours. After all, last weekend it took 1hr 45min to do a 10K (6.28) miles, so adding an additional 0.8 should take me much more time. Two hours should be plenty.
So I rested and got suited up about 10am and left with my cell phone in one pocket, and a pear & chicken jerky in the other. Both pockets pinned up so things didn't fall out. I grabbed my sunglasses, a bottle of water, attached my iPod to my armband and I was off.
I started on the bike trail (Contra Costa Canal Trail) behind my mom's house- between Citrus and Oak Grove (closer to Oak Grove) and started walking toward Citrus. I used to bike these trails when I was a kid and knew where they went pretty well- though the farthest I used to go before was Cowel Rd. I was curious to see with my Nike+/iPod sensor, how far I used to bike! :)
I knew that my Nike+ sensor was being weird right away. It wasn't keeping a steady pace and was bouncing me back and forth between 17 mile/ min, 22mile/ min, 9mile/ min, 15 mile/ min, etc. I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew something was off. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that I set the workout for a specific distance (7.00 miles) instead of just doing the "basic" workout I normally select. So when I got to the intersection with Treat Rd. I decided to end the workout. It said for the 22 mins I had walked that I had only gone 0.97 miles. WHAT? I knew I was walking at a 17 min/ mile pace- at least! I had even jogged some of that! So I decided to start a new workout and do it as a "basic" one, to see if it would star working correctly.
I continued walking and went past several check points, ate my pear and started sipping my water. I felt with the pear out of my pocket I could jog a little more, so I did. I kept setting goals for myself, like- just run to the next Stop sign. but was still disappointed when I looked down and saw the pace jumping- often at 0.00 miles/ min- and it was 24 mins and I had barely passed a mile!! This can't be right. I have gone almost a whole hour and have only done 2 miles!! This time I thought the problem might not be the setting (since i was on a "basic" workout) but maybe that the iPod is used and has been freezing up on me. I thought I might need to reboot it and try again, so I did.
At this point, I was already at the intersection with Cowel Rd (where I used to bike) and thought to myself- wow, its only 2 miles from home? That's all I used to bike as a kid? I guess I never went far before! I reset the iPod to a basic workout and started again. Now- the challenge with all these restarted workouts, is I am not sure if the Nike+ site will reflect them as three different workouts and add up the mileage, or if I need to just scrap those first two and do a full 7 miles on this workout for it to even count?
Regardless, after this third retry, I am still seeing the same stupid mixed up pace. I guess i started to believe that it was correct and I just wasn't working hard enough. So I kept walking (running a lot less) and made it past Clayton Blvd, past Concord Blvd and to Willow Pass Rd. I was actually really close to my brother's house and I had a fleeting thought- 'if I collapse right now, I could call him and he could find me on the side of the road'. Willow Pass Rd is where the Canal trail ended and it still said I had not done more than 1 mile since Cowel, so I went up the street to Olivera and headed down that road toward Pixie Playland (
I passed by all the baseball diamonds I used to play at when I was in Little League and even a bit into High School. The All Star diamond and look- they added a new batting cage! I passed by the Tennis courts and the Concord Community center, where I spent a summer between 1-2nd grade for day camp. It was the place I got cast in my first musical, when I played Annie, wearing one of my mom's wavy red wigs not exactly a tight perm. I also remember that summer for the cooking class and making my first Manwhich.
I decided to stop there to quickly use the public restrooms since i had needed to go for a while, but assumed I would be done in two hours and not worry about this. I was already close to 45 mins on the last workout (so about 1hr and 35 mins in the trip). Feeling a little refreshed, I continued on.
When I got to Pixie Playland, it was a lot smaller than I remembered, but the train was just leaving. I forgot it went out of the park and around the little lake behind it. I saw that I didn't have to pay to get in, just pay if I wanted to get tickets for the rides, so I power walked in and walked around the rides, seeing what I could remember. I mostly just remember feeling it was WAY bigger as a child. Then I walked out of Pixie Playland and followed the train path around the lake. The were ducks, geese and a lot of seagulls. I forgot about the seagulls. We used to have them all over my High School quad, too. i never see Seagulls in LA, unless i am actually near the beach.
I passed the little lake and walked to the end of the baseball diamonds ( where a family named Call has bought the remaining two diamonds and they were doing a clean up day there. I looked at the iPod and even thought it only said 1.25miles (which I was planing to add to the other two- 1 mile workouts) I thought I should return. I was getting tired and didn't know why it was taking me this long to do such a small amount of mileage.
As I walked back and got back onto the trail at Willow Pass another thought dawned on me. Yesterday, when I was showing off my new gear to my folks, I pulled out the Nike+ sensor that goes on my shoe. I didn't think about how I had put it back in. Maybe I had slid it in wrong? I stopped and put my foot up on a post and turned over my Bean Pod to slide out the Nike+. It did seem to be upside down from how I normally have it, so I flipped it- so the logo was pointed up (the way it would sit if it were in the shoe itself) and straightened the bean pod back out across my laces. IT IMMEDIATELY STARTED WORKING RIGHT!!
What a long lesson to learn! This time, it went from the 1.50 miles it was at when I made the change, to 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 and by the time i got home, it said 6.01 miles. I was already sore when I got home, I could feel it. I was also a little exhausted and felt like I had lost a lot of nourishment, so I hopped in the shower (right as my brother and his family arrived) and when I hobbled down stairs, I started eating.
I got curious later in the evening about how far I actually went, so I looked it up on Google Maps. It left me plug in the address to and from and select "walking route." I was able to zero in on the bike trail and then calculate the distance for what i actually did (see map picture above). Guess what- I went 5 miles- ONE DIRECTION!
Three hours and 10 mins, later, I got back at my parent's house. My left ankle is hurting a bit and my right heel, too. My knees feel about the way they normally do and my calves are pretty tight. I did stretch in the shower and on the floor, but I am feeling tight still.
So, in my attempt to be good and hang on till I reached 3.5 miles on a sensor that wasn't working right, I ended up going 5 miles before I even turned around. I didn't have to do 10 miles for another 2 weeks of training! Am I nuts? I am just glad I figured out the problem with the sensor, so it doesn't happen again. And hey! I did TEN MILES TODAY! Whoo hooo- I mean, OUCH!
Bike Trail,
Contra Costa County,
Mom's house,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Its a Beautiful Day!
Oddly, I woke up this morning at about 7am, after going to bed at 2am again. There was something inside me that said, you know you are flying to Oakland today, and unless you get your 3 mile run in today, you will have to do it tomorrow and your long run (this week is 7miles) will end up happening on Sun- which is another flight day. So get it done, Noelle!
Well I fought that thought for another 30 mins and didn't actually get out of bed till 7:30am- thinking, 'but I've only had 5.5hrs of sleep! shouldn't I rest?' While that was a fair argument, when I said "oddly, I woke up" I mean it. It was odd that I wasn't feeling so exhausted in the morning that I couldn't function. Instead it was like auto pilot to pull on my gear, including my sweatshirt and go out into the 35 degree morning and jog to the "gym". I got inside and took off my jacket and began to do the treadmill.
After I queued up my iPod to do a basic workout, the screen froze and I had to hop off the treadmill. Now this is starting to happen more frequently- which I don't think is a good sign. My iPod is a used 2nd generation Nano with 2GB of memory. I don't know if its age is why it keeps freezing up or what- but so far, as long as i can reboot- which I learned how to do online- I have been ok. It hasn't been too much of a distraction and hasn't taken too long to fix.
So I get on the treadmill and by the first 10 mins I was bored already. I thought about something my friend Tiffany had said about jogging outside in OR- how beautiful it is and how nice it is to warm up outside. She and Hirono did it together when they were training for the Portland Marathon. (Yes- apparently Hirono is famous for pulling her friends in to do marathons with her. Tiffany still says she was tricked into doing it and is working on forgiving Hirono. Cupcakes and dinners at Paley's have helped. *wink*)
I looked outside and even though it looked cold, the sun was shining and it seemed to be calling me out. So I took a towel and wrapped it around my neck, Rocky-style, put my sweatshirt back on and zipped it up with the hood on, and ventured outside.
It immediately struck me that outside was 35 degrees and not the 70 degree "gym", so I started to jog. Its amazing how motivating cold air is to actually MOVING your ass. So I jogged some and then I walked and then I jogged and then I walked. And I looked around. I took a path around Orenco station- near the hotel and behind New Seasons and looked at houses. The frost on the roofs and grass. The beautiful red colored vines that had been stripped of their foliage in the winter weather, but were still so vibrant and bare.
At one point, during the song, "Beautiful Day" by U2, I could hear the birds chirping so loudly through my headphones, that I just took off my headphones and listened to myself breathe and the birds sing. It was a beautiful morning. I passed by some people and we said 'Good morning' and finally made it back to the hotel 3.19 miles later.
I went into the hotel lobby and tried to enjoy their complimentary "continental breakfast". Which included Orange & cranberry juice, miso soup, a hard boiled egg, a slice of toast and some Siracha. Oh and a banana for the road. By this time it was 8am so I went back to the room to shower, check out and go to work.
Well I fought that thought for another 30 mins and didn't actually get out of bed till 7:30am- thinking, 'but I've only had 5.5hrs of sleep! shouldn't I rest?' While that was a fair argument, when I said "oddly, I woke up" I mean it. It was odd that I wasn't feeling so exhausted in the morning that I couldn't function. Instead it was like auto pilot to pull on my gear, including my sweatshirt and go out into the 35 degree morning and jog to the "gym". I got inside and took off my jacket and began to do the treadmill.
After I queued up my iPod to do a basic workout, the screen froze and I had to hop off the treadmill. Now this is starting to happen more frequently- which I don't think is a good sign. My iPod is a used 2nd generation Nano with 2GB of memory. I don't know if its age is why it keeps freezing up or what- but so far, as long as i can reboot- which I learned how to do online- I have been ok. It hasn't been too much of a distraction and hasn't taken too long to fix.
So I get on the treadmill and by the first 10 mins I was bored already. I thought about something my friend Tiffany had said about jogging outside in OR- how beautiful it is and how nice it is to warm up outside. She and Hirono did it together when they were training for the Portland Marathon. (Yes- apparently Hirono is famous for pulling her friends in to do marathons with her. Tiffany still says she was tricked into doing it and is working on forgiving Hirono. Cupcakes and dinners at Paley's have helped. *wink*)
I looked outside and even though it looked cold, the sun was shining and it seemed to be calling me out. So I took a towel and wrapped it around my neck, Rocky-style, put my sweatshirt back on and zipped it up with the hood on, and ventured outside.
It immediately struck me that outside was 35 degrees and not the 70 degree "gym", so I started to jog. Its amazing how motivating cold air is to actually MOVING your ass. So I jogged some and then I walked and then I jogged and then I walked. And I looked around. I took a path around Orenco station- near the hotel and behind New Seasons and looked at houses. The frost on the roofs and grass. The beautiful red colored vines that had been stripped of their foliage in the winter weather, but were still so vibrant and bare.
At one point, during the song, "Beautiful Day" by U2, I could hear the birds chirping so loudly through my headphones, that I just took off my headphones and listened to myself breathe and the birds sing. It was a beautiful morning. I passed by some people and we said 'Good morning' and finally made it back to the hotel 3.19 miles later.
I went into the hotel lobby and tried to enjoy their complimentary "continental breakfast". Which included Orange & cranberry juice, miso soup, a hard boiled egg, a slice of toast and some Siracha. Oh and a banana for the road. By this time it was 8am so I went back to the room to shower, check out and go to work.
Oh, I go walking... after midnight...

I had a wonderful dinner at Paley's Place in NW Portland tonight with two former colleagues and great friends. Our reservations were at 6:30p and I didn't get back to the hotel (totally stuffed on amazing food- crab, oysters, Kobe beef, creme brule!) till after 10pm and then I had to try to digest before I could even walk!
I put on my running gear at about 11pm and jogged outside to the "gym" (remember- a treadmill, exercise bike and stair master). It was about 30 degrees outside, which is great motivation to jog to the gym. Once I got inside, I stretched a little and hopped on the treadmill. Then I called my husband to say goodnight and was fortunate enough to talk to him for about 15 mins of my 3.5 mile an hour walk (which has my pace at about 17:20min/ mile).
I tell ya- there is nothing quite so boring as spending more than an hour on a treadmill- especially when you are full. So I just kept it to walking tonight. I was glad when the first mile was absorbed in a phone call. Even more pleased when I turned the treadmill TV on to OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) and got to see half of the "HistoryMakers" with Eartha Kitt. Her last recorded interview. That was an enjoyable 35 mins (2 more miles).
Then it was midnight. Suddenly all the ads changed from Diapers and groceries to ads for "phone hook-ups", "love lines", "chat with hott girls" and other sorts of lonely TV that it made me wonder who else was up and what they were doing. Certainly not all on treadmills, I hope!
Regardless, it was less than 30 mins more to finish my 4.19 miles tonight. And so ends another late night of marathon training on the road. I can't wait to see how I will squeeze my 3 miles in tomorrow, between checking out of the hotel (goodbye little "gym"), going to work, and driving to the airport to fly to OAK on an 8:40p plane? Oh well, I am sure it will all be made clear when I need to know. I am definitely gaining some more faith in the fact that whatever is supposed to happen... will. As it regards to my training. As it regards to my life. God Bless us all!
Business Travel,
Paley's Place,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Travel and 24 hr gyms
I am in Portland today. Its been raining on and off. I am here for business and woke up at 5am to get on the plane this morning. By all accounts I should be wiped out exhausted. But there is a part of me that is really committed to this training thing! After all, now that i know I will be going to Omaha for the majority of March (and missing the Pasadena half-marathon on 3/23, too!) I have to make sure I can include this training as part of my life- no matter what.
So even though I had a girl's night out, relaxing with friends at a spa, replete with a massage and sushi for dinner (which I INHALED I was so hungry! I guess the calorie consumption is catching up with me now that I am going longer distances, like my 10K on Sat!), I still felt the need to suit up and go to the "gym" at the hotel. I put that word in quotes since it is a room that has a treadmill, a StairMaster and an exercise bike- that's it. But it does the trick.
I updated my Facebook status to say I was on my way to do three miles and grabbed my iPod. Honestly, I know the biggest factor with my motivation is getting to see my little mini-me avatar dance around after I record the mileage- which won't happen unless I do the work. But for some reason, the screen saver isn't working! It keeps going to a blank page! I have to get this fixed because I have just figured out how to capture her in a pic and add her to my blog! Its like she's a little Pixie or a sprite who's photo should not be snapped or she will disappear. That's what seems to have happened.
I haven't have the avatar work properly since Valentine's day! I came back from the gym and tried to upload my 3.1 miles tonight (which btw- I was panting so hard on the three run songs I did I kept pulling my iPod off the front of the treadmill. Tomorrow I will use the armband!) So I am trying to uninstall and reinstall her tonight. I will figure it out. I don't think I will really want to do it or be quite so enthused without her.
Big Milestone for today- I completed a goal of 50 miles in 4 weeks- and did it within 3.25 weeks! Next goal- starting tomorrow is to do 75 miles in 4 weeks! Then I get another medal on the Nike+ site- which is almost as good as my avatar screen saver... but not quite.
So even though I had a girl's night out, relaxing with friends at a spa, replete with a massage and sushi for dinner (which I INHALED I was so hungry! I guess the calorie consumption is catching up with me now that I am going longer distances, like my 10K on Sat!), I still felt the need to suit up and go to the "gym" at the hotel. I put that word in quotes since it is a room that has a treadmill, a StairMaster and an exercise bike- that's it. But it does the trick.
I updated my Facebook status to say I was on my way to do three miles and grabbed my iPod. Honestly, I know the biggest factor with my motivation is getting to see my little mini-me avatar dance around after I record the mileage- which won't happen unless I do the work. But for some reason, the screen saver isn't working! It keeps going to a blank page! I have to get this fixed because I have just figured out how to capture her in a pic and add her to my blog! Its like she's a little Pixie or a sprite who's photo should not be snapped or she will disappear. That's what seems to have happened.
I haven't have the avatar work properly since Valentine's day! I came back from the gym and tried to upload my 3.1 miles tonight (which btw- I was panting so hard on the three run songs I did I kept pulling my iPod off the front of the treadmill. Tomorrow I will use the armband!) So I am trying to uninstall and reinstall her tonight. I will figure it out. I don't think I will really want to do it or be quite so enthused without her.
Big Milestone for today- I completed a goal of 50 miles in 4 weeks- and did it within 3.25 weeks! Next goal- starting tomorrow is to do 75 miles in 4 weeks! Then I get another medal on the Nike+ site- which is almost as good as my avatar screen saver... but not quite.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's- here's a 10K!

On Saturday, Valentine's day, the rain of the previous day had lifted. Roses were blooming. Love was in the air. I had just found out the week prior at work I would be going out to Omaha for almost a month. I am a Cali girl and have never really done the cold weather thing- so I knew I needed to go and get a coat and there were various other errands that were scheduled for the day.
However, I knew that my long run for the week was 6 miles, and that the rain was expected to come back on Sunday- so there was no time like the present. I asked my husband as he was watching his favorite Sat. morning TV show (Flip this House on A&E) and he said he would join me! How romantic!
I had plotted out a path that would take me 6 miles or so and after getting my iPod in the arm band, my shoes on, the bra on, the Camelbak backpack on (this was quite an ordeal getting all suited up for this walk/jog mind you. I am trying to make sure we have all the resources we need and I look like a robot of some kind with the tubes from the back pack and the cords my my iPod and the leggings and everything else.)
We got out the door and headed across Huntington drive first. Then turned left at South Huntington and began to jog through the first song on my playlist. We slowed down for the next song and continued to walk up hill to Herriman/ Collis street and crossed Huntington and went to the left up Herriman. We were talking and walking, singing each other the songs on our respective players.
The we took a street to the left and crossed back down to Collis. I checked the iPod. We were a little more than 2 miles at this point. I had a feeling like- UGH that's all? Why isn't it more yet? Then my husband says- He let's jog to that shadow over there. And I said, ugh- why? and he said "come on- it won't be bad" Just then another jogging song came on and so we were off- only I felt my body saying- "why are you doing this.. I don't wanna!!"
Now- it wasn't saying- STOP I'm HURT- it was saying I DON'T WANNA. I am learning the difference between pain (which I was also in- but like before, I asked the foot pain and the shin splints and the knee grinding to just come run with me) and my natural laziness. I worked through the laziness and dug in and ran past him.
Then we slowed down together for a few more songs. 3 miles. We are now turning to the left down Ave 60 and starting to go down hill. I realize we are half way there and I am not sure we have 3 more miles left in the path- plus my husband is starting to need to go to the bathroom- but he is valiantly holding it. (NOTE TO SELF- do not drink coffee prior to runs or you might find yourself in a tough place out on the road with no way to get home but walk/ jog)
We turned left onto Monterrey and started up that big hill that's carved out of the mountain that I referenced in last weekend's 5 mile walk/ jog. We jogged through another song and I noticed that he's pretty good at keeping pace. He actually seems kind of a natural at this whole jogging thing... damn it! Actually its a blessing- cuz it means I have a companion.
I have to stop a couple times on the way up the hill to adjust my knee braces and stretch out my legs- but aside from that we're doing good. I run to catch up with him after my adjustments. When he looks at me I say- "No- don't run, I am just catching up!" and I am close to out of breath- this is definitely work.
Then I say something stupid, "Do you want to take the side road up the hill?" He says "Sure!" as we start walking it- I realize its the steepest part of the mountain by FAR! What was I thinking? As I pant my way up, "OMG, OMG OMG- I can I will I am able, OMG OMG OMG- make it stop!" we finally reach the peak and then its downhill from there. As we swerve our way down Monterrey, we notice we're a little shy on the mileage so we walk behind Our Lady of Guadalupe Church/ School and over to the Rose Hill project housing. I lead him over to the base of the park we walk when its actually dry out- this walk has been pretty muddy.
Another hill. WTF with our neighborhood?
We make it up and around and manage to take Sardonyx Ave to Topaz to Pyrites to Esmerelda and back to the house. As we walk past the church next to our house I check the iPod again. 6.23 miles. OMG! We did a 10K! I am so excited! Its been 1hr 45min. Not too bad for the first 10K I ever did!
I had been a little jealous that my friend Hirono had done a formal 10K the weekend before (though I wouldn't have been ready) around Dodger Stadium. She said she did it in 1hr 12 mins! Now that is impressive. I keep telling her she likes running- but she denies it all the way...
We get home and proceed to run errands and we both get headaches. This is our first major lesson in race nutrition. We burnt over 1000 calories that walk/ jog. We needed to eat a little better before and after- and our bodies made us suffer a bit for it. We prepared some pasta and veggies and took a nap. Happy Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
WTF with this Nike+ online system?
One of my biggest joys and biggest motivators is my Nike+ sensor for my iPod and the online system. I love my mini-me avatar and my screensaver, which shows her running around and dancing. She has little thought bubbles that congratulate me on my latest recorded run- saying things like "With running in my corner, I can do anything!" and "I feel unstoppable after my 3.23mile run!"
The screensaver (and online tool) also shows me a summary of the number of workouts I have recorded (19 to date!) and miles total I have done since I started using the sensor (54.53miles) and my average pace (16.51 mins/mile).
All this stuff is awesome! And I know I have previously mentioned how, when posed with the question of: Workout without the sensor or Don't workout- I am likely to pick the later, since I know it will COUNT. Count for something! After all- what the heck am I doing this for? Doesn't it need to count for something? HA!
So when I log into my Nike+ tool and it tells me I am 3 miles behind in my weekly workouts (I have loaded my training schedule from the "Non Runner's Marathon Training Guide" book) I get a little peeved. Who the heck does it think it is? Just cuz I skipped Monday, I made up for it today! So I did 3/4/3 on Tues, Wed and Thurs- instead of Mon, Tues, Wed- why doesn't it see that? UGH. Only flaw, really, in the whole system that I can find.
Bottom line, I bailed out of training for a little bit today at lunch (luckily I had a different person presenting) so I could still make my 5pm meeting at work and my 6pm meeting in Burbank. I feel accomplished and proud that I have kept this as a priority. I am a little concerned how I will do this when I am in Portland/ Oakland next week (traveling for biz) but I am sure I will figure it out, one day at a time.
Today after the run (which I ran to 3 of the songs on the playlist-same ones as on Tues) I feel pain my my arches, heels and my calves are tight. Guess its not the best idea to sit down in a class for 3 hours after a run.
Oh- in case you were wondering, my left knee is still swollen. I am on a pretty regular Advil and ice regimen at this point. The only reason its worth mentioning, is that the right knee is starting to swell, too. So I wasn't sure if the other had gone in size? But no, the right knee has just gotten bigger. OH JOY!
Also news of note- I lost 2 pounds as of last week- which means 1 pound total since the start of this. But the really good news is I had been eating Ben & Jerry's Brownie Batter ice cream throughout last week- and STILL lost the weight. So I guess my metabolism is starting to speed up and wants to get a little leaner as I go. I am all for that! GO METABOLISM!
The screensaver (and online tool) also shows me a summary of the number of workouts I have recorded (19 to date!) and miles total I have done since I started using the sensor (54.53miles) and my average pace (16.51 mins/mile).
All this stuff is awesome! And I know I have previously mentioned how, when posed with the question of: Workout without the sensor or Don't workout- I am likely to pick the later, since I know it will COUNT. Count for something! After all- what the heck am I doing this for? Doesn't it need to count for something? HA!
So when I log into my Nike+ tool and it tells me I am 3 miles behind in my weekly workouts (I have loaded my training schedule from the "Non Runner's Marathon Training Guide" book) I get a little peeved. Who the heck does it think it is? Just cuz I skipped Monday, I made up for it today! So I did 3/4/3 on Tues, Wed and Thurs- instead of Mon, Tues, Wed- why doesn't it see that? UGH. Only flaw, really, in the whole system that I can find.
Bottom line, I bailed out of training for a little bit today at lunch (luckily I had a different person presenting) so I could still make my 5pm meeting at work and my 6pm meeting in Burbank. I feel accomplished and proud that I have kept this as a priority. I am a little concerned how I will do this when I am in Portland/ Oakland next week (traveling for biz) but I am sure I will figure it out, one day at a time.
Today after the run (which I ran to 3 of the songs on the playlist-same ones as on Tues) I feel pain my my arches, heels and my calves are tight. Guess its not the best idea to sit down in a class for 3 hours after a run.
Oh- in case you were wondering, my left knee is still swollen. I am on a pretty regular Advil and ice regimen at this point. The only reason its worth mentioning, is that the right knee is starting to swell, too. So I wasn't sure if the other had gone in size? But no, the right knee has just gotten bigger. OH JOY!
Also news of note- I lost 2 pounds as of last week- which means 1 pound total since the start of this. But the really good news is I had been eating Ben & Jerry's Brownie Batter ice cream throughout last week- and STILL lost the weight. So I guess my metabolism is starting to speed up and wants to get a little leaner as I go. I am all for that! GO METABOLISM!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
When can I get in a run?
It is Wed. Third day of Search AM bootcamp training. The day that I deliver all the material. I was supposed to have a meeting at 5pm right after class and a meeting at 7pm in Pasadena. Trying to figure out when I could add in a 4 mile run was a challenge.
Aside from time, I am also dealing with some stiff calves and general pains and pings in my feet and knees. I am starting to feel my low back and hips tighten up a little more than normal. The good news is that I had my gym gear with me- including my shoes :)
As luck would have it (or not for the class?) the last two presenters weren't able to attend the session. So it is 3:30p and class was done. I manage to get my 5pm meeting pushed to Thursday and I go off to the gym!
The day before I used the same 1hr iPod song mix. On Tues for my 3 mile run, I walked the majority of the time between 3.2- 3.4 miles/hour and jogged at 5.2/miles/hour for few songs. For my 4 mile workout today, I actually jogged (at 5.2 miles/hour) for FOUR songs instead of THREE songs (I added a jog to the first song on my playlist "Ain't No Other Man"- Christina Aguilera).
This is the first run where I got my heart rate up to 180 (according to the treadmill) and had a little trouble catching my breath afterwards. I'm not sure if I am fighting off a cold of just have a lot of phlegm, but I feel a little wheeze in my chest. Maybe it was a result of this being the first MAJOR cardio workouts I have been doing since I quite smoking? For whatever reason, I felt it, but I tried to use a tactic I learned in the Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide book.
I tell myself that the breathing felt strange (I recognized it), but then tell myself "it doesn't matter." I'm not dying. (I can. I will. I am able.) I recognize those feelings and asked them to come run with me. Recognize the shin splints and told them to join me in the run. Recognize the pain in my knee and ask it to join me in my run.
After the run I felt great. Worn out. I stretched out my legs, my hips and my back on the mat. Then I went to the locker room and grabbed my stuff. I didn't have enough time to change before heading home to meet Arleigh and head off to Pasadena.
Aside from time, I am also dealing with some stiff calves and general pains and pings in my feet and knees. I am starting to feel my low back and hips tighten up a little more than normal. The good news is that I had my gym gear with me- including my shoes :)
As luck would have it (or not for the class?) the last two presenters weren't able to attend the session. So it is 3:30p and class was done. I manage to get my 5pm meeting pushed to Thursday and I go off to the gym!
The day before I used the same 1hr iPod song mix. On Tues for my 3 mile run, I walked the majority of the time between 3.2- 3.4 miles/hour and jogged at 5.2/miles/hour for few songs. For my 4 mile workout today, I actually jogged (at 5.2 miles/hour) for FOUR songs instead of THREE songs (I added a jog to the first song on my playlist "Ain't No Other Man"- Christina Aguilera).
This is the first run where I got my heart rate up to 180 (according to the treadmill) and had a little trouble catching my breath afterwards. I'm not sure if I am fighting off a cold of just have a lot of phlegm, but I feel a little wheeze in my chest. Maybe it was a result of this being the first MAJOR cardio workouts I have been doing since I quite smoking? For whatever reason, I felt it, but I tried to use a tactic I learned in the Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide book.
I tell myself that the breathing felt strange (I recognized it), but then tell myself "it doesn't matter." I'm not dying. (I can. I will. I am able.) I recognize those feelings and asked them to come run with me. Recognize the shin splints and told them to join me in the run. Recognize the pain in my knee and ask it to join me in my run.
After the run I felt great. Worn out. I stretched out my legs, my hips and my back on the mat. Then I went to the locker room and grabbed my stuff. I didn't have enough time to change before heading home to meet Arleigh and head off to Pasadena.
Ain't No Other Man,
end class early,
foot pain,
knee pain
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
There's a six thirty AM?
I was so disappointed that I didn't pack my shoes yesterday that I convinced myself before I went to sleep, that I would get up early and go to the gym in the morning before class. Last Jan, I was able to commit to a 7am Yoga class at my office gym, so I thought that this shouldn't be too bad.
My alarm rang at 6:30am- its cold, my cat, Jerry, is nuzzled in with me, the blankets are warm- I hit snooze. 6:38am- its still cold, Jerry has moved, blankets are still warm and I promise myself I can throw on my gym clothes fast- I hit snooze again. 6:46am- if I don't get up now, I won't get up at all. I somehow manage to motivate and turn off my alarm and get up.
I throw on (well, it actually took about 15 mins) my running gear and made sure I had my work clothes in my bag to change into at the gym. I grab a banana, some yogurt, my "joint juice" and start my car and load it. Kiss my sleeping husband goodbye and get in the car by 7am.
Its surprising how quickly I can get to work when I leave early! I pulled into the parking garage at 7:16am. I walked to the gym, got my stuff in a locker, made a pit stop and hopped on a machine. I started my trek at 7:40am and was in front of a flat panel TV that had an old episode of Tales From the Darkside, starring a young Allison Sweeny (host of my current favorite show- Biggest Loser") as a psychic kid who can tell when someone is going to die. Fun to watch without sound.
I was listening to my 1 hr workout mix and walking at a 3.2- 3.4 mile an hour pace. This morning I actually managed to jog (@ 5 mile an hour pace) for an entire song- three times! Granted they were initially pretty short songs (Phantom Planet's "Badd Business" & "Big Brat") and then a normal length song (Garbage "Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go)). I was able to get my pace to an average of a 15 minute mile by the end of my 47 min work out and completed my 3 miles for today!
Tomorrow I am going to try the same thing. I have 4 miles to do, so I can't indulge in the snooze bar. Or I may skip my evening meeting and just do it at the gym after work. I can get over there by 5:45pm if I choose to do that. I guess I'll just play it by ear.
I also found out I might have to be out of town for business the month of March- which is kind of disappointing and flattering all at the same time. The big bummer is that I will have to cancel a band gig on 3/15 and might not be able to do my half marathon on 3/22. But I guess if I am in the middle of Nebraska for a month, there might not be much to do but run... I mean... jog/walk. or who knows... I might actually become a runner out of this? Anything is possible.
My alarm rang at 6:30am- its cold, my cat, Jerry, is nuzzled in with me, the blankets are warm- I hit snooze. 6:38am- its still cold, Jerry has moved, blankets are still warm and I promise myself I can throw on my gym clothes fast- I hit snooze again. 6:46am- if I don't get up now, I won't get up at all. I somehow manage to motivate and turn off my alarm and get up.
I throw on (well, it actually took about 15 mins) my running gear and made sure I had my work clothes in my bag to change into at the gym. I grab a banana, some yogurt, my "joint juice" and start my car and load it. Kiss my sleeping husband goodbye and get in the car by 7am.
Its surprising how quickly I can get to work when I leave early! I pulled into the parking garage at 7:16am. I walked to the gym, got my stuff in a locker, made a pit stop and hopped on a machine. I started my trek at 7:40am and was in front of a flat panel TV that had an old episode of Tales From the Darkside, starring a young Allison Sweeny (host of my current favorite show- Biggest Loser") as a psychic kid who can tell when someone is going to die. Fun to watch without sound.
I was listening to my 1 hr workout mix and walking at a 3.2- 3.4 mile an hour pace. This morning I actually managed to jog (@ 5 mile an hour pace) for an entire song- three times! Granted they were initially pretty short songs (Phantom Planet's "Badd Business" & "Big Brat") and then a normal length song (Garbage "Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go)). I was able to get my pace to an average of a 15 minute mile by the end of my 47 min work out and completed my 3 miles for today!
Tomorrow I am going to try the same thing. I have 4 miles to do, so I can't indulge in the snooze bar. Or I may skip my evening meeting and just do it at the gym after work. I can get over there by 5:45pm if I choose to do that. I guess I'll just play it by ear.
I also found out I might have to be out of town for business the month of March- which is kind of disappointing and flattering all at the same time. The big bummer is that I will have to cancel a band gig on 3/15 and might not be able to do my half marathon on 3/22. But I guess if I am in the middle of Nebraska for a month, there might not be much to do but run... I mean... jog/walk. or who knows... I might actually become a runner out of this? Anything is possible.
3 miles,
Christina Aguilera,
Phantom Planet
Monday, February 9, 2009
I packed my gym stuff early this morning so I could get out the door and get set up before my class. I packed my iPod, my knee brace and extra change of underwear- but neglected to grab my SHOES!! ARGH!
This was one of the only days this week that I knew I had more than an hour for my lunch break and there's no way I can try to walk/jog in the converse I am wearing (not even with the orthopedic insoles I have on).
I am almost willing to try the converse, too- but my Nike + sensor is on my workout shoes, so even if I did it today- it wouldn't COUNT on the site. I guess I have to admit when it comes down to it- that what matters most to me is the tracking. It is about the pats on the back I give myself when my Mini Me avatar is running across my screen and her thought bubbles say "I feel so good after that 5.3 mile run!" -even if I walked the whole thing and didnt run.
I am not sure if that is the right motivation for all this- but I am not at a place where I feel I can question ANY motivation- as long as whatever it is actually gets me to do it! So I am bummed today! Maybe its the universe's way of trying to teach me a lesson about taking a rest day (even though Sunday was a rest day) or a lesson about my perfectionism.
I have been questioning whether I am doing the training "right" since I am not really running- but walking- the majority of my miles so far. But if I really stick to my goal of "FINISHING" the marathon- not winning, not running, not "killin it"!, then walking is sufficient. It might change over time. I guess I get so wrapped up in having a reason to beat myself up or reward myself, that if I am not doing one of those two things I feel lost.
For today, no miles. I wish it were different, but its not. Shoot, I wish I had even remembered to bring my book to read to take up the time! Now I might actually have to catch up on work! DOH!
I packed my gym stuff early this morning so I could get out the door and get set up before my class. I packed my iPod, my knee brace and extra change of underwear- but neglected to grab my SHOES!! ARGH!
This was one of the only days this week that I knew I had more than an hour for my lunch break and there's no way I can try to walk/jog in the converse I am wearing (not even with the orthopedic insoles I have on).
I am almost willing to try the converse, too- but my Nike + sensor is on my workout shoes, so even if I did it today- it wouldn't COUNT on the site. I guess I have to admit when it comes down to it- that what matters most to me is the tracking. It is about the pats on the back I give myself when my Mini Me avatar is running across my screen and her thought bubbles say "I feel so good after that 5.3 mile run!" -even if I walked the whole thing and didnt run.
I am not sure if that is the right motivation for all this- but I am not at a place where I feel I can question ANY motivation- as long as whatever it is actually gets me to do it! So I am bummed today! Maybe its the universe's way of trying to teach me a lesson about taking a rest day (even though Sunday was a rest day) or a lesson about my perfectionism.
I have been questioning whether I am doing the training "right" since I am not really running- but walking- the majority of my miles so far. But if I really stick to my goal of "FINISHING" the marathon- not winning, not running, not "killin it"!, then walking is sufficient. It might change over time. I guess I get so wrapped up in having a reason to beat myself up or reward myself, that if I am not doing one of those two things I feel lost.
For today, no miles. I wish it were different, but its not. Shoot, I wish I had even remembered to bring my book to read to take up the time! Now I might actually have to catch up on work! DOH!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
5.3 miles and rolling!
It is Saturday Feb 7th. I woke up at 9am today- exhausted from a 3.5 hour band practice the night before. I was worried that my voice might be a little fried and concerned that we have a show tonight at 9pm! Just 12 hours! Even though I really just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, I knew that there were two things I had to do today: go to the pet food & grocery store and get in my 5 miles. The fact that it was raining buckets when I awoke, made me wonder how I would get them both done.
I decided to just get up and do the cat food thing (it did help motivate me to have my cross eyed white cat, Jerry, knead my chest and bemoan the fact that he did not have any wet food). So Arleigh and I got in the car and did the 99 cent store, PetSmart and Albertsons in the rain. On the drive home from Alhambra, we noticed the sky was beginning to clear up.
I figured it might be my only chance to get outside today, so I started to suit up. I was excited to try out my new knee brace (with velcro & boning~ oo-la-la!) and knew I had to take a route that would actually net me 5 miles. I asked Arleigh if he wanted to go and was surprised to find out HE DID!
So I threw on a fleece, with my cell phone in left pocket, keys in the inside pocket and iPod with my Nike+ in the left pocket and we walked. It was definitely more of a walk than a run today. We may've jogged a total of 7 minutes out of the whole 1hr and 36 minutes. But that was fine with me. I was tired, I was sore and I was definitely feeling the hills in my neighborhood.
So here was the route- We left our house and went up and over the left side of Pyrites (little hill) behind Huntington Elementary School. Then down Huntington Drive North- past the intersection with Monterey Rd. and up to Collis (slightly larger hill). We went right on Collis and walked it all the way down to Hill/Avenue 60 (1.2 miles and small incline). The we walked down Ave 60 to Monterey and headed left towards the hill I have always thought about tackling. It looks like it is an art deco valley and it literally carves into the side of a mountain. The street runs between two 20 ft retaining walls and it has on coming traffic in both directions. I have driven this hill thousands of times in the 8 years I have lived here- but never once tackled it on foot. I have always wanted to and I did it today!
As we walk, I really noticed how beautiful the sky had become. So clear and bright. The sun was shining down. Barely a cloud in the sky! It was perfect timing for this walk.
We continued down Monterey Rd after cresting the art deco mountain, and turned right on McKenzie to cut away from the traffic. We kept going down the hill and rounded back around Monterey and arrived at the intersection with Huntington. We walked up the back of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and back to Pyrites and home.
When we got home, the iPod said we had actually gone 5.3 miles and burned 990 calories!! Better than even that, when I ended the workout, I out one of my ear plugs in Arleigh's ear so he could hear it to, Lance Armstrong congratulating us on the farthest workout yet! And to keep it up.
Even though I am sore, my feet hurt all over, I did it! I iced my knee and took some Advil. Drank some milk (and water) had a banana and a sandwich. Oh and also had some Ben and Jerry's... gotta love the calories being burnt!
My friend Hirono is doing her "5" mile workout on Sunday at a 10K (which I have learned is 6.2 miles) around Dodger Stadium. I can't wait to hear how that goes for her!
This week I did 17 miles total! Amazing!
I decided to just get up and do the cat food thing (it did help motivate me to have my cross eyed white cat, Jerry, knead my chest and bemoan the fact that he did not have any wet food). So Arleigh and I got in the car and did the 99 cent store, PetSmart and Albertsons in the rain. On the drive home from Alhambra, we noticed the sky was beginning to clear up.
I figured it might be my only chance to get outside today, so I started to suit up. I was excited to try out my new knee brace (with velcro & boning~ oo-la-la!) and knew I had to take a route that would actually net me 5 miles. I asked Arleigh if he wanted to go and was surprised to find out HE DID!
So I threw on a fleece, with my cell phone in left pocket, keys in the inside pocket and iPod with my Nike+ in the left pocket and we walked. It was definitely more of a walk than a run today. We may've jogged a total of 7 minutes out of the whole 1hr and 36 minutes. But that was fine with me. I was tired, I was sore and I was definitely feeling the hills in my neighborhood.
So here was the route- We left our house and went up and over the left side of Pyrites (little hill) behind Huntington Elementary School. Then down Huntington Drive North- past the intersection with Monterey Rd. and up to Collis (slightly larger hill). We went right on Collis and walked it all the way down to Hill/Avenue 60 (1.2 miles and small incline). The we walked down Ave 60 to Monterey and headed left towards the hill I have always thought about tackling. It looks like it is an art deco valley and it literally carves into the side of a mountain. The street runs between two 20 ft retaining walls and it has on coming traffic in both directions. I have driven this hill thousands of times in the 8 years I have lived here- but never once tackled it on foot. I have always wanted to and I did it today!
As we walk, I really noticed how beautiful the sky had become. So clear and bright. The sun was shining down. Barely a cloud in the sky! It was perfect timing for this walk.
We continued down Monterey Rd after cresting the art deco mountain, and turned right on McKenzie to cut away from the traffic. We kept going down the hill and rounded back around Monterey and arrived at the intersection with Huntington. We walked up the back of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and back to Pyrites and home.
When we got home, the iPod said we had actually gone 5.3 miles and burned 990 calories!! Better than even that, when I ended the workout, I out one of my ear plugs in Arleigh's ear so he could hear it to, Lance Armstrong congratulating us on the farthest workout yet! And to keep it up.
Even though I am sore, my feet hurt all over, I did it! I iced my knee and took some Advil. Drank some milk (and water) had a banana and a sandwich. Oh and also had some Ben and Jerry's... gotta love the calories being burnt!
My friend Hirono is doing her "5" mile workout on Sunday at a 10K (which I have learned is 6.2 miles) around Dodger Stadium. I can't wait to hear how that goes for her!
This week I did 17 miles total! Amazing!
17 miles total,
5.3 miles,
Lance Armstrong,
Friday, February 6, 2009
4 Weeks in and Finally blogging...
As of today, Feb 6th, I am officially done with the first 3 weeks of "pre-training" and almost done with my first full week of real training- minus the 5 miles I have to figure out how to get in during the rain.
I was trying to journal about all this and why I made the decision to sign up for the LA Marathon on 5/25 and now the Pasadena Half-Marathon on 3/22, but I guess my hands cramp up a lot more than they used to- when I would sit for hours in a coffee shop and wax poetically about the people hanging out or walking by.
Here's how it started...
About a month ago, just after returning to the office from the X-mas Holiday, my co-worker, Hirono, asked me if I might be interested in doing the LA Marathon with her. I knew she had done the Portland Marathon in 2008 and there was part of me that thought- if she could do it, so could I. But back then I though- I could just show up on the day of the Marathon and DO IT. I had no idea the type of training involved. I had a chance to see my friend Karen train for the NYC Marathon (which requires you to qualify for the race, etc- WAY hard-core) and last year and began to understand the level of commitment required to do something like that. And yet... there was part of me that wasn't daunted by the possibility.
After Hirono said that she had signed up and wouldn't it be fun to do it together, etc- I started seriously thinking about it. I have been wanting to get in better shape and loose some weight (well- when haven't I wanted to do that... lol) and I know that the way my body works- I have to exercise to get that to happen. There has only been one time in my life when I have lost weight from watching my diet alone and my foot was in a cast at the time. But that's another story...
There was a part of me that felt like it was impossible. I am NOT a runner. I never have been. If someone isnt chasing you, why would you possibly want to run?
But there was a bigger part of me that kept saying, WHY NOT. Why not try? Why are you always telling yourself- NO. How many times have you let that voice decide for you?
The clincher was hearing someone speak later in the week at a meeting. The gist of her whole story was- "Now I am doing all the things I never tried, because I never thought I could." It got me to start questioning myself and ask "What would you attempt if you knew you could never fail?"
So I went to the running store that weekend with my husband (whose initial reaction to my saying I wanted to do a marathon was- "Really? But you don't run. I have never seen you run. Why would you want to do it?" and later- as the weeks have progressed has been my biggest supporter. My mom had a similar reaction- but it had more to do with our genetics and crappy joints- more about swollen knees later) and got fitted for shoes. Now, I had the business card for this store for over 2 years. Given to me by my chiropractor, but never went. I kept telling myself I would do more/ better exercise if I just got shoes and never did. I knew this was a big first step (all puns intended).
The next thing I did was hop on eBay. Hirono had already shown me her Nike+ sensor and her Nike Mini-Me avatar. It was really cool to know that she could track her mileage, time, calories and pace on this thing and then have a cartoon encourage her to do more. I decided to find one and get one on eBay. I also got an iPod, and Armband, a book called the Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide (awesome book!!) and MORE... Call it retail therapy for making a big decision.
Then on Sunday 1/11- I went to the LA Marathon site... and signed up.
It was a huge moment. Filled with trepidation. Could I actually do this thing? Would I make it to May? Was I going to fall on my face, or dislocate my knee or break my foot again? Would I loose weight or gain it or be able to make it?
So far, I have not lost any weight. I have played with a pound- back and forth for the last three weeks, but it hasn't left yet. I walked and tried jogging every day for at least 30 mins for the first 2 weeks, then moved up to 45mins everyday the last week of pre-training. This week I walked/ jogged (it ends up being like 4-7 mins walking then 1-3 mins jogging in a 10 min span) for 3 miles on Mon., 4 miles on Tues, 3 miles on Wed. and walked to lunch with Hirono on Thurs- 1 mile there and 1 mile back (with a nice sushi reward in between). Today is Friday, my rest day. I am glad its a rest day, because it is POURING rain. Well at least as much as LA can pour rain. But its really coming down, roads are flooded and its not a good looking scene for outdoor activities- unless you have a canoe. My long run for the week is supposed to be tomorrow- 5 miles. We'll see how I do with the weather tomorrow- but I am hoping for a 1-2hr window where I can try to get this done.
My goal is not to get some great time. To cross the finish line with other people. I am learning that running (remember- when I say running- you say "walk/jog") is a very solitary sport. SO my goal- is just to FINISH the marathon. I don't care if it takes me 7-8 hours (now that IS optimistic) or 9-10 hrs (that is realistic) or 12 hours (maybe if I get hurt). I just want to finish.
So far its going well! I am motivated and doing my best to stay with the training plan. I LOVE my Nike + on my iPod. One long walk, I went 4.10 miles and at the end of it, the iPod voice gave me a summary of my run and then I hear "This is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations on your longest workout yet! Keep it up!". HOW COOL WAS THAT? Totally motivating. They definitely have my number.
The down side at first was my feet. Breaking in my shoes took about a week of pain on all parts of my feet. I guess I figured I would get good shoes and have no pain- it would be like walking on clouds and stuff. Nope- to take feet that have falling arches and past breaks and arthritic toes and put them in good shoes, doesn't stop the fact that the feet are jacked. Then once I got my shoes broken in more, the feet have been OK- with some small arch issues every now and then that I try to stretch out.
The bigger issue is my knees. My left knee has not stopped being swollen since I started. It has been different levels of swelling, but it has not gone down to the size of the other. I have grown accustom to icing my knee everyday after workouts and at home at night. I take Advil almost every day now and its becoming manageable. I also started taking glucosamine pills and have now moved on to the "joint juice". So far so good.
Stretching has been tough, but I am doing it. With my knee, I haven't been able to kneel on the ground and stretch out my quads the way I used to- it hurts to much to out my weight down like that. But I am trying to rest my foot on something behind me and bend like that to stretch out the front of my quads. It does the job for the most part. I cant wait to re-incorporate my Yoga class into this as X-training on Thursdays.
I'm doing my best to stay on point- even on business trips. I was in Las Vegas last Wed- Fri and convinced a co-worker of mine to go for a walk jog from our hotel (RIO) to the strip, down and back at 8am. It ended up being 3.87 miles and it made the rest of the day so much better.
So who knows where this journey will take me (aside from 6th and Figueroa on 5/25). I hear only 3% of the world's population ever finish a marathon. I have a half and a full one set for 2009. I am sure once I finish that, that the little critical voice in my head, will have some competition from the self assured, confident one I am building now.
This is just the beginning...
I was trying to journal about all this and why I made the decision to sign up for the LA Marathon on 5/25 and now the Pasadena Half-Marathon on 3/22, but I guess my hands cramp up a lot more than they used to- when I would sit for hours in a coffee shop and wax poetically about the people hanging out or walking by.
Here's how it started...
About a month ago, just after returning to the office from the X-mas Holiday, my co-worker, Hirono, asked me if I might be interested in doing the LA Marathon with her. I knew she had done the Portland Marathon in 2008 and there was part of me that thought- if she could do it, so could I. But back then I though- I could just show up on the day of the Marathon and DO IT. I had no idea the type of training involved. I had a chance to see my friend Karen train for the NYC Marathon (which requires you to qualify for the race, etc- WAY hard-core) and last year and began to understand the level of commitment required to do something like that. And yet... there was part of me that wasn't daunted by the possibility.
After Hirono said that she had signed up and wouldn't it be fun to do it together, etc- I started seriously thinking about it. I have been wanting to get in better shape and loose some weight (well- when haven't I wanted to do that... lol) and I know that the way my body works- I have to exercise to get that to happen. There has only been one time in my life when I have lost weight from watching my diet alone and my foot was in a cast at the time. But that's another story...
There was a part of me that felt like it was impossible. I am NOT a runner. I never have been. If someone isnt chasing you, why would you possibly want to run?
But there was a bigger part of me that kept saying, WHY NOT. Why not try? Why are you always telling yourself- NO. How many times have you let that voice decide for you?
The clincher was hearing someone speak later in the week at a meeting. The gist of her whole story was- "Now I am doing all the things I never tried, because I never thought I could." It got me to start questioning myself and ask "What would you attempt if you knew you could never fail?"
So I went to the running store that weekend with my husband (whose initial reaction to my saying I wanted to do a marathon was- "Really? But you don't run. I have never seen you run. Why would you want to do it?" and later- as the weeks have progressed has been my biggest supporter. My mom had a similar reaction- but it had more to do with our genetics and crappy joints- more about swollen knees later) and got fitted for shoes. Now, I had the business card for this store for over 2 years. Given to me by my chiropractor, but never went. I kept telling myself I would do more/ better exercise if I just got shoes and never did. I knew this was a big first step (all puns intended).
The next thing I did was hop on eBay. Hirono had already shown me her Nike+ sensor and her Nike Mini-Me avatar. It was really cool to know that she could track her mileage, time, calories and pace on this thing and then have a cartoon encourage her to do more. I decided to find one and get one on eBay. I also got an iPod, and Armband, a book called the Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide (awesome book!!) and MORE... Call it retail therapy for making a big decision.
Then on Sunday 1/11- I went to the LA Marathon site... and signed up.
It was a huge moment. Filled with trepidation. Could I actually do this thing? Would I make it to May? Was I going to fall on my face, or dislocate my knee or break my foot again? Would I loose weight or gain it or be able to make it?
So far, I have not lost any weight. I have played with a pound- back and forth for the last three weeks, but it hasn't left yet. I walked and tried jogging every day for at least 30 mins for the first 2 weeks, then moved up to 45mins everyday the last week of pre-training. This week I walked/ jogged (it ends up being like 4-7 mins walking then 1-3 mins jogging in a 10 min span) for 3 miles on Mon., 4 miles on Tues, 3 miles on Wed. and walked to lunch with Hirono on Thurs- 1 mile there and 1 mile back (with a nice sushi reward in between). Today is Friday, my rest day. I am glad its a rest day, because it is POURING rain. Well at least as much as LA can pour rain. But its really coming down, roads are flooded and its not a good looking scene for outdoor activities- unless you have a canoe. My long run for the week is supposed to be tomorrow- 5 miles. We'll see how I do with the weather tomorrow- but I am hoping for a 1-2hr window where I can try to get this done.
My goal is not to get some great time. To cross the finish line with other people. I am learning that running (remember- when I say running- you say "walk/jog") is a very solitary sport. SO my goal- is just to FINISH the marathon. I don't care if it takes me 7-8 hours (now that IS optimistic) or 9-10 hrs (that is realistic) or 12 hours (maybe if I get hurt). I just want to finish.
So far its going well! I am motivated and doing my best to stay with the training plan. I LOVE my Nike + on my iPod. One long walk, I went 4.10 miles and at the end of it, the iPod voice gave me a summary of my run and then I hear "This is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations on your longest workout yet! Keep it up!". HOW COOL WAS THAT? Totally motivating. They definitely have my number.
The down side at first was my feet. Breaking in my shoes took about a week of pain on all parts of my feet. I guess I figured I would get good shoes and have no pain- it would be like walking on clouds and stuff. Nope- to take feet that have falling arches and past breaks and arthritic toes and put them in good shoes, doesn't stop the fact that the feet are jacked. Then once I got my shoes broken in more, the feet have been OK- with some small arch issues every now and then that I try to stretch out.
The bigger issue is my knees. My left knee has not stopped being swollen since I started. It has been different levels of swelling, but it has not gone down to the size of the other. I have grown accustom to icing my knee everyday after workouts and at home at night. I take Advil almost every day now and its becoming manageable. I also started taking glucosamine pills and have now moved on to the "joint juice". So far so good.
Stretching has been tough, but I am doing it. With my knee, I haven't been able to kneel on the ground and stretch out my quads the way I used to- it hurts to much to out my weight down like that. But I am trying to rest my foot on something behind me and bend like that to stretch out the front of my quads. It does the job for the most part. I cant wait to re-incorporate my Yoga class into this as X-training on Thursdays.
I'm doing my best to stay on point- even on business trips. I was in Las Vegas last Wed- Fri and convinced a co-worker of mine to go for a walk jog from our hotel (RIO) to the strip, down and back at 8am. It ended up being 3.87 miles and it made the rest of the day so much better.
So who knows where this journey will take me (aside from 6th and Figueroa on 5/25). I hear only 3% of the world's population ever finish a marathon. I have a half and a full one set for 2009. I am sure once I finish that, that the little critical voice in my head, will have some competition from the self assured, confident one I am building now.
This is just the beginning...
half marathon,
LA marathon,
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